Higher Production Rates with Sprimag Chain on Edge Coating Machines

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Sprimag's Chain-on-Edge Coating Machine is a rugged and an operationally economical system. It may be modularly configured per the painting application and is optimal for larger quantities or longer process times.

Many Fields of Application for Chain-on-Edge Coating Machines

As a rotating spindle machine it is ideal for coating rotationally symmetrical parts such as: brake rotors, wheels, bottles or sleeves, but is sometimes applied to other geometries when it makes sense. Single or multi-part fixtures may be used on machine allowing for batch or mixed painting as required by the customer. Examples of this include door handles, emblems, side mirrors, flacons or screws.

By taking advantage of the layout flexibility a chain conveyor offers, a chain-style coating machine may be designed to fit the existing plant floor plan more readily thus making integration into an existing line easier.

  • Flexible, compact layout and design
  • Chain-on-edge and spindle version for light parts; transport chain and trolleys for heavy parts
  • Various spindle pitches available, according to the size of parts
  • Servo technology for fast, reliable and exact positioning
  • Dry or wet over-spray extraction
  • Continuous or indexing operation
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OPTIONS for your coating machine

  • Pretreatment with ionization, flame, dry ice (CO2), laser or induction
  • Linear axes or coating robot for special coating applications
  • Automatic masking
  • Convection, infrared, UV or induction dryers
  • Further spray cabin can be integrated
  • Chuck cleaning station

Application Areas of the Chain on Edge Coating Machine



Coating of Metal Parts

Coating of RUBBER-METAL Parts

Coating of Glass